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Game Othello for PPC / PDA


Mau bermain Othello Di handphone...? tetapi hp anda bukan HP biasa yang ber OS Symbian / java melainkan Pocket PC / PPC yaitu Windows Mobile ( wm 5, wm6 )...???Bagaimana cara mendapatkannya:....??

klik Gambar untuk Mendownload Game Othello full version

atau KLIk HERE

By default, the game is ready to be played by a human against a Level 1 Computer Player, you can change that from the game menu and even select 2 humans play mode if you want to use the PocketPC as a board for playing othello with a friend.

How to play? EASY: Just click on the cell when is your turn, of course, it has to be a valid move or nothing will happen.

This game was compiled to run on .NET Compact Framework 2.0, so you need to install that on your device before. Windows Mobile 5.0 already comes with .NET CF, but you can install it on any Pocket PC 2003 SE or newer device.


DivX Player for PDA / PPC / Window mobile / Pocket PC

DivX Player untuk PDA

Bagi Anda yang memiliki PDA, Pocket PC, PPC , dengan OS windows mobile (wm5 , wm6 ) dan ingin memutar video ber extention avi / divX anda bisa mendownload aplikasi video pemutar divX file berformat acvi berikut ko.....file nya juga ga sampai Megabyte...file nya berbentuk .cab

Klik Link di bwah untuk Download DivX player gratis

Bisa di gunakan di Resolusi 320 x 240 / 240x320 : seperti merek HP / PDA di Bawah:



Open Source Download Accelerator And Manager

TrueDownloader is a open source download manager/accelerator with good features like Pause/Resume downloads, simultaneous downloads, segmented downloads for acceleration . Both HTTP and FTP protocols are supported , and it's very fast ! You can even improve it or adapt it to your needs since it's open-source. Some special features like HTTP/FTP Proxy support and ZIP previewing are supported too.

Integrated flawlessly into Internet Explorer, Mozilla and FireFox thanks to the Extension Technology.

Compatible with Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP !

* This program is under GPL License.
** This program was originally called DownloadPlus but was renamed because of a trojan called DownloadPlus...
*** This program is not linked with any Spyware so don't ask how to uninstall DownloadPlus that is NOT the program presented on this page. Thanks. You can find how to remove the annoying program using instructions here

Download Place :


Download the lastest version here (February 20nd 2005)
Mirror :
Download TrueDownloader v0.82
Direct Link : Download TrueDownloader v0.82


Downloads list :

TrueDownloader v0.82 TrueDownloader Source 0.82 (VB and VC6 Source)

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Aplikasi Al Qur'an Digital di Handphone

Ramadhan telah tiba bagi kaum muslimin, bulan ini merupakan bulan penuh hikmah dan limpahan pahala dar Yang Maha Kuasa. Tak heran, banyak yang berlomba untuk meningkatkan ibadah.

Agar setiap waktu selalu bisa dimanfaatkan, kita memerlukan jadwal harian untuk satu bulan Ramadhan.

Sebenarnya bisa saja kita memanfaatkan fitur alarm dan kalender bawaan ponsel. Hanya saja, fitur bawaan ini tak mampu menampilkan beragam fasilitas khusus, semisal jadwal shalat serta penunjuk arah kiblat. Bahkan , bunyi alarmnya pun terkesan monoton.

Nah, agar fasilitas tadi pun bisa dinikmati, tak ada salahnya menjajal aplikasi pihak ketiga yang banyak tersedia di dunia maya. Berikut beberapa diantaranya :

Untuk Ponsel Symbian :

  1. ASGAtech Islamic Organizer.

Meski bukan barang baru, namun aplkasi bikinan pengembang software asal Timur Tengah, ASGAtech Ltd. Ini terbilang cukup lengkap. Mulai dari kemampuannya mengkonversi tanggalan Masehi ke Hijriah, penunjuk, penunjuk alarm, kalkulasi dan menayangkan 5 waktu shalat dari berbagai wilayah, penunjuk arah kiblat hingga berita seputar Islam.

Untuk mendapatkan aplikasi ini, bisa langsung bertandang ke situsnya di

  1. Mesaharaty.

Aplikasi yang juga berasal dari ASGAtech Ltd. Ini bisa digunakan sebagai penunjuk waktu shalat, sahur serta mengkalkulasi tiga hari terakhir Ramadhan. Sebagai panduan mendapatkan malam Lailatul Qodar.

Aplikasi ini bisa didapatkan dari situs

  1. Islamic Remainder.

Aplikasi yang dibuat oleh Spinlet Oy ini khusus untuk ponsel Symbian s60. gunanya sebagai pengingat waktu Shalat, yang bisa di sesuaikan dengan wilayah domisili. Menariknya, untuk bunyi alarm kita bisa menggunakan tone bawaan atau dari galery ponsel.

Aplikasi shareware ini bisa di dapatkan di sini

Untuk versi Handphone java klik disini


Aplikasi Islami

  1. Azan Times for worldwide Prayer.

Dari nama aplikasinya, jelas digunakan sebagai penunjuk waktu shalat (Azan). Tingkat keakurasiannya cukup tinggi, dan mencakup lebih dari 25 ribu koda di 252 negara. Selain sebagai penanda waktu Shalat, aplikasi ini juga menawarkan petunjuk arah kiblat serta tanggalan Hijiriah.

Anda ingin mendownload aplikasi gratisan ini? Bias langsung menuju situs

  1. Salaty.

Serupa Mesaharaty bikinan ASGAtech Ltd. Aplikasi Salaty juga bias digunakan sebagai panduan waktu Shalat. Namun, ada pula fasilitas alarmnya yang meskipun ponsel off, tapi tetap bias beroperasi.

Cara memperoleh aplikasi untuk HP java ini, anda tinggal browsing saja ke

  1. Prayer Times.

Seperti aplikasi-aplikasi sebelumnya, Prayer Times pun bias dimanfaatkan untuk menunjukkan kapan waktunya Shalat, alarm serta posisi tempat tinggal kita.

Sementara, untuk fasilitas tanggalan Hijriah dan penunjuk arah kiblat pun ditawarkan aplikasi garapan Search Truth. Aplikasinya bias di download secara gratis di

Untuk Jenis HP symbian klik Disini


What is kamus?
"Kamus adalah sejenis buku rujukan yang menerangkan makna kata-kata. Ia berfungsi untuk membantu seseorang mengenal perkataan baru.

Selain menerangkan maksud kata, kamus juga mungkin mempunyai pedoman sebutan, asal-usul (etimologi) sesuatu perkataan dan juga contoh pengunaan bagi sesuatu berkataan. Untuk memperjelas kadang kala terdapat juga ilustrasi di dalam kamus.", Wikipedia

Mau tau alamat kamus / translator online ? klik disini

Anda bisa langsung mengartikan kata2 dari bahasa inggris ke indonesia tanpa mendownload software apapun.

Online English Indonesian put the most advanced language management and communication solutions at the tips of your fingers. The modern and convenient way to manage your multilingual communication needs they provide both state of the art text-to speech capabilities and full English transcriptions so you will always know the correct pronunciation of any word. A powerful and sophisticated service, the Online Dictionaries provide millions of combined entries accessed via a smart, user-friendly interface that is second to none. Some highlights include a convenient auto complete function, word tips, an in-line Thesaurus and instant reverse-translation. And to make it even more convenient, it even remembers your preferred dictionary and translation history eliminating the need to select your preferred language pair and direction every time you use it.

Able to pronounce words, its innovative Text-to-Speech feature is built on advanced human voice modeling. Now you no longer need to speak out transcriptions - simply select a word and, with a touch of the screen, have your device pronounce it for you.





Google Chrome ( Browser terbaru dari Google)

Google Chrome

Google Chrome adalah browser yang dibuat dengan desain praktis agar Anda dapat mengakses Web dengan lebih cepat, mudah, dan aman.

Google Chrome dari google, yaitu sebuah Browser terbaru keluaran dari Bagi Anda yang mau mencoba Browser baru yang katanya mempunyai kecepatan yang lebih baik serta keamanan tingkat tinggi yang telah di sempurnakan oleh google untuk kenyamanan berselancar Anda.


A fresh take on the browser

At Google, we spend much of our time working inside a browser. We search, chat, email and collaborate in a browser. And like all of you, in our spare time, we shop, bank, read news and keep in touch with friends - all using a browser. People are spending an increasing amount of time online, and they're doing things never imagined when the web first appeared about 15 years ago.

Since we spend so much time online, we began seriously thinking about what kind of browser could exist if you started from scratch and built on the best elements out there. We realized that the web had evolved from mainly simple text pages to rich, interactive applications and that we needed to completely rethink the browser. What we really needed was not just a browser, but also a modern platform for web pages and applications, and that's what we set out to build.

So today we're releasing the beta version of a new open source browser: Google Chrome.

On the surface, we designed a browser window that is streamlined and simple. To most people, it isn't the browser that matters. It's only a tool to run the important stuff - the pages, sites and applications that make up the web. Like the classic Google homepage, Google Chrome is clean and fast. It gets out of your way and gets you where you want to go.

Under the hood, we were able to build the foundation of a browser that runs today's complex web applications much better . By keeping each tab in an isolated "sandbox", we were able to prevent one tab from crashing another and provide improved protection from rogue sites. We improved speed and responsiveness across the board. We also built V8, a more powerful JavaScript engine, to power the next generation of web applications that aren't even possible in today's browsers.

This is just the beginning - Google Chrome is far from done. We've released this beta for Windows to start the broader discussion and hear from you as quickly as possible. We're hard at work building versions for Mac and Linux too, and we'll continue to make it even faster and more robust.

We owe a great debt to many open source projects, and we're committed to continuing on their path. We've used components from Apple's WebKit and Mozilla's Firefox, among others - and in that spirit, we are making all of our code open source as well. We hope to collaborate with the entire community to help drive the web forward.

The web gets better with more options and innovation. Google Chrome is another option, and we hope it contributes to making the web even better.

But enough from us. The best test of Google Chrome is to try it yourself.




Apakah Anda ingin mengetahui Stabilitas kecepatan internet Anda, ingin mengetahui berapa banyak penggunaan Bandwith Anda, apakah jaringan internet Anda berjalan dengan lancar, menghitung pemakaian dengan melihat total bandwith dengan satuan kb/Mb, dan yang lebih hebatnya lagi bisa mengkalkulasikan dengan melihat Rupiah yang di tunjukkan seperti billing yang terdapat pada warnet.


Haloooooo teman2 semua, mungkin selama ini anda bingung bagaimana cara mengetahui dan menhitung pemakain GPRS kita pada saat ber-internet di rumah dengan menggunakan modem handphone.

Nah sekarang anda tidak usah bingung2 lagi, downlot aja langsung software GPRSCounter yang bisa meng kalkulasikan pemakaian GPRS anda

untuk download klik aja

sumber: yusuke Selengkapnya...

Chatting di Hanphone dengan SLICK

Selain agile dan mig33 sebagai sarana connect Yahoo Messenger, Google, MSN, ICQ, dan AIM melalui handset, kini ada lagi aplikasi baru yakni SLICK. Program berbasis symbian buatan lonely cat games yang masih versi alpha ini, cukup handal untuk ber-YM-ria

Konfigurasinya pun sangat simpel. Setelah terinstall di HP, tentukan masing2 account yang akan dipake. Langsung aja Save, dan program akan langsung minta connect. Tunggu saja sampai proses koneksi selesai. Kebetulan saya baru sempat nyobain ym

Tampak account temen2 kita dengan statusnya masing2. Yang online iconnya lebih menyala dibandingkan dengan yg offline. Klik joy untuk pv (private message).

Kita juga bisa menentukan status online kita. Tekan Menu -> Status. Pilih yang kita inginkan atau bisa kita tentukan sendiri dengan memilih Custom.

Setting lebih lanjut bisa dilakukan pada Menu -> Configuration

Silahkan diutak-atik sendiri. Semua sifatnya opsional, sesuai dengan selera kita. Hehe.. emang resep masakan?

Software ini bisa didownload di lonely cat games. Saat ini versi 0.38 dan masih free. Mungkin taktiknya seperti Agile Messenger, pertama dirilis free, kemudian diharuskan membelinya setelah penggunanya banyak

Untuk download klik aja yang sesuai Dengan list HAndphone

Nokia 3230, 3620, 3650, 3660, 6260, 6290, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, N-gage, N70, N90
Siemens SX1, Panasonic X700, X800, Samsung D720, D730, Sendo X
Nokia E50, E60, E61, E62, E65, E70, E90, N71, N72, N73, N75, N76, N77, N80, N91, N92, N93, N95, 3250, 5500, 5700, 6110, 6120, 6290
Samsung SGH-i520, LG JoY
Sony Ericsson P800, P900, P910

Motorola A920, A925, A1000
BenQ P30
Sony Ericsson P990, W950, W960, M600, P1

Motorola Z8
Pocket PC 2003, SmartPhone 2003
Windows Mobile 5, 6

  • Supported protocols:
    ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN, Google Talk, Jabber
  • Text messaging
  • Emoticons
  • Alerts - sound, backlight, vibration, notify window displaying number of new messages
  • Group and buddy management (add, delete, rename)
  • Message history
  • File transfer - send and receive files
  • Sending / receiving offline messages
  • Downloading files sent as links
  • More features to be added
sumber : yusuke Selengkapnya...


Search engine optimization software

You Blog/Site got a low Traffic ?
Maybe you need a search engine optimization software or SEO Software.
Talk about search engine optimization software, and traffic, i have a software for search engine optimization.

There is SEO Studio.
Seo Studio is a Powerfull search engine optimization software,,

System Requirements

* Pentium 4 or equivalent recommended
* Microsoft Windows Vista XP/ Win 2000/ Win 2003 Server
* 512 MB RAM or as required by OS
* 28 MB of available hard disk space to install the program

You Can Download Seo Studio Search Engine Optimization Software HERE


Software Pendukung untuk Ponsel

Tak dapat dipungkiri keberadaan software pendukung sangatlah penting sebagai interface, penghubungantar hadware. Dengan software, modifikasi, mengirim dan memasukkan data ponsel, mem-backup, aplikasi multimedia seperti ringtone / bitmap dapat dilakukan dan masih banyak lagi.

Di antara software yang ada dipasaran, sebagian sudah terdapat dalam paket distribusi masing-masing merk ponsel. Misalnya :

  • Nokia PC Suite 6.x ( adalah Driver untuk segala tipe Ponsel merk Nokia
  • Oxygen Phone Manager II ( ) dengan fitur-fitur yang hamper sama dengan Nokia PC Suite
  • Mobile Phone Tool ( ) untuk berbagai merk Ponsel yang didukung seperti Nokia, Sony Ericcson, Samsung, Motorola, Siemens, Philip, Sharp, Sagem, Mitsubishi, Sanex, alcatel, hi tect.

Modem Ponsel CDMA merk Nokia

Cara setting internet menggunakan Handphone Nokia CDMA.

Untuk dapat menjalankan Internet melalui koneksi HP CDMA merk Nokia Kita Harus memerlukan Modem internet CDMA seperti : nmpCDMA2000_1x.inf / nmpCDMA1xRTT . Sebagai contoh menggunakan Nokia CDMA 3125 dengan Kabel Driver DKU-5 Dan driver modem Ponsel dapat di download pada beberapa situs seperti :

Atau bisa anda Download Secara Gratis Hanya di sini

Klik : DOWNLOAD modem CDMA



catatan : setelah Download file dalam bentuk Rar langsung di extract

Liat Webcame Tanpa Harus Minta Ijin dengan Camfrog

MAu liat Webcame seseorang tanpa harus meminta ijin dari orang yang bersangkutan seperti yang ada pada Yahoo messenger dengan Camfrog....???

Mungkin bagi penggila webCame sangatlah menguntugkan, karena kita bisa memilih Co / Ce yang mau kita liat camera nya pada saat online dan kita juga bisa langsung mengajak chatting dari seluruh dunia. dimana disana ada banyak negara dari benua Asia, Eropa, America, Africa seperti Indonesia, Malaysia, Jepang, Korea, Inggris, Amerika Serikat, China, MAndarin, Australia dan banyak lagi negara yang bisa kita lihat Cam nya tanpa harus minta ijin terlebih dahuluu...

Bagi yang mau men-Download Software Camfrog secara gratis........??? klik DISINI





Alquran Digital dengan Tafsir Bahasa Indonesia

Alquran Digital

AL Qur'an Digital adalah sebuah software gratis yang di mana Hak Cipta sesungguhnya hanya milik Allah. SWT

Software ini berisikan Ayat-Ayat Al-Quran lengkap dengan Bahasa indonesia, arab beserta artinya dan pengertian dari ayat-ayat tersebut.

Berisi indeks Lengkap berdasar nomor surah dan ayat disertai pencarian ( search ) untuk mempermudah pencarian ayat-ayat.

download Al-Quran digital

Website Copyright © Nova Herdi Kusumah
2006-2008 M / 1427-1428 H

Referensi :
Terjemahan Lengkap Versi Dept. Agama : tarjamah

Software kirim sms Gratis

Apabila berbicara masalah yang gratis, perhatian kita pasti langsung tertuju padanya. Tidak usah kuatir dan malu karena saya pun emang begitu juga. Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya dapat kiriman software menarik dari seorang teman, namanya yaitu Software pengirm SMS gratis. Wow, enak banget ya kalau bisa ngirim SMS gratis sepuasnya. Karena kang rohman mendapatkan software ini secara gratis, maka tidak ada salahnya apabila saya berikan ke anda secara gratis juga. Kapasitas data yang akan di download sangatlah kecil yaitu sebesar 23Kb, sehingga software ini tidak perlu di install di komputer anda, cukup jalankan dan rasakan manfaatnya. Berikut adalah screenshot dari panel depan software ini

sumber : kang rohman

Link Download :



Clock - Jam digital untuk PC

Jam / Clock mungkin sangat di butuhkan oleh setiap manusia yang ada di dunia ini, baik itu yang berada di Asia, Eropa, Aprica, Amerika bahkan di alam Gaib.heheheheee…Jam sangat di perlukan Untuk menentukan Waktu sekarang dan kapan saja untuk suatu penetapan secara pasti untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Nah bagi Anda yang mungkin ingin meletakkan Jam / Clock untuk computer Anda yang bisa berfungsi sebagai Alarm dan bisa sebagai alat Shutdown otomatis PC / Laptop anda. Dengan macam-macam tampilan yang bisa di ubah-ubah sesuai dengan selera masing-masing.

(setelah Anda Download dalam bentuk Rar langsung saja extract, dan untuk menjalankan tinggal klik gbr jam yang ber extention exe - ClocX.exe)




uTorrent 1.8 RC1

uTorrent is an efficient and feature rich BitTorrent client for Windows sporting a very small footprint. It was designed to use as little cpu, memory and space as possible while offering all the functionality expected from advanced clients.

  • Multiple simultaneous downloads
  • Configurable bandwidth scheduler
  • Global and per-torrent speed limiting
  • Quick-resumes interrupted transfers
  • RSS Downloader
  • Trackerless support (Mainline DHT)


Microsoft SMS Sender

FMA ( baca: Float's Mobile Agent ) adalah aplikasi open source untuk kirim dan terima SMS ( Jaringan GSM ) di komputer anda, baik via Kabel Data, Bluetooh, maupun Infra-Red.

Anda dapat edit sendiri source codenya ( download source code disini ), aplikasi ini sangat berguna bagi anda Dealer Pulsa atau Agen Pulsa, untuk isikan deposit atau isikan pulsa ke pelanggan.

Untuk perusahaan atau organisasi yang membutuhkan aplikasi SMS software untuk SMS broadcaster.... FMA ini sangat cocok, bisa kirim SMS ke beberapa nomor sekaligus!!

Software ini sangat mudah di gunakan, gratis, legal dan bermanfaat..
Download FMA | Download Source Code | Website

SMS Sender is an add-on for Microsoft Windows XP that can create and send SMS (Short Message Service) text messages from your PC to your friends' and family's GSM mobile phones.

SMS is a text message service which enables users to send short messages (160 characters) to other users. A very popular service, particularly amongst young people, with 400 billion SMS messages sent worldwide in 2002.

Notice: This application is distributed "as is", with no obligations or technical support from Microsoft Corporation.

Read the important notes and instructions on the Download Page prior to download and installation.




Ulead Gif Animator + keygen

Ulead GIF Animator adalah sebuah software sejenis Adobe Photoshop dan software buat mengedit gambar lainnya. Kelebihan Ulead Gif Animator adalah bisa membuat gambar menjadi berformat .gif, yaitu gambar bergerak yang biasa ada di Handpone. Bukan hanya Gambar saja, Anda juga bisa memasukkan file video untuk di edit. Tanpa gambar pun anda bisa membuat Tulisan bergerak seperti barner2 yang banyak terdapat di Website / Blog. Atau mungkin anda sendiri ingin membuat barner untuk mempromosikan Website / Blog anda sendiri seperti yang ada di blog saya Yusuke .

Anda bisa mendownload Ulead Gif Animator DISINI

Ulead GIF Animator is a powerful GIF animation tool for creating high impact animation for Web pages, presentations, and multimedia titles. From composition, editing, and applying special effects, you can do them all in GIF Animator. GIF Animator also gives you total control over optimization, allowing you to make animations compact and web-ready while retaining overall image quality. Moreover, when it is time to produce the final animation file, the program lets you output your animation in a variety of file formats. File formats supported include animated GIF, Windows AVI, QuickTime, Autodesk animation, image sequences, and even Flash animation.
System Requirements
System requirements include the following:
· Microsoft Windows® XP, Windows® 98, Windows® NT 4.0 SP5 (or above), Windows® 2000, or Windows® ME
· Intel® Pentium® Processor or compatible
· 64 MB RAM
· 20 MB available hard disk space for program installation
· True Color or Hi-Color display adapter and monitor, with 800x600 (recommended) or higher display mode
· Windows-compatible pointing device


DAEMON Tools Lite 4.12.3

WARNING: This software contains an optional adware toolbar. We recommend you deselect this option during installation.

DAEMON Tools is a virtual cd/dvd-rom emulator and is able to emulate nearly all known copy protections on the market today.

The application mounts ISO images to a virtual drive without having to burn them to a CD.

It is further development of Generic Safedisc emulator and incorporates all its features. This program allows running Backup Copies of SafeDisc (C-Dilla), Securom, Laserlock, CDCOPS, StarForce and Protect CD (and many others) protected games. Also included is a Virtual DVDROM drive (Generic DVD-ROM) enabling you to use your CD images as if they were already burned to CD! DAEMON Tools works under Windows9x/ME/NT/2000/XP with all types of CD/DVDROM drives (IDE/SCSI) and supports nearly any CD protection.

DAEMON Tools supports the following image files:

  • cue/bin
  • iso
  • ccd (CloneCD)
  • bwt (Blindwrite)
  • mds (Media Descriptor File)
  • cdi (Discjuggler)
  • nrg (Nero)
  • pdi (Instant CD/DVD)
  • b5t (BlindWrite 5)


  • DAEMON Tools needs a 1:1 Copy to run!!
  • DAEMON Tools is used to RUN GAMES, NOT TO BURN THEM!!! Means emulation must be active while you want to play a game, not while burning the copy (except for you want to use DAEMON Tools' "fastdump" feature on a safedisc protected CD).
  • If you want to run a copy protected application from an image mounted to a Generic DVD-ROM enabling the copy protection emulation(s) is NOT necessary!!
  • Generic DVD-ROM is able to run nearly every protected or unprotected CD image (Safedisc®, Securom®, Laserlock®, Lockblocks® etc.) like it was the original CD! Just do an image file using one of the supported burning programs and mount it with Daemon Manager.


Java Runtime Environment

Java software allows you to run applications called "applets" that are written in the Java programming language. These applets allow you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D.

Many cross platform applications also require this to run.

Java software for your computer, or the Java Runtime Environment, is also referred to as the Java Runtime, Runtime Environment, Runtime, JRE, Java Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine, Java VM, JVM, VM, or Java download

Latest Version




Dowload WinRaR

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.

Archive file formats supported are ZIP, RAR, ACE, CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, BZ2, UUE, JAR, ISO, 7Z and Z.

WinRar adalah sebuah software kompressi file yaitu sebuah software dimana kita bisa mengecilkan ukuran file yang tadinya besar dan dapat memasukkan beberapa file dalam satu WinRaR, kelebihan yang lain juga kita dapat melindungi file tersebut dengan memberi password

Download sekarang disini secara cuma-cuma alias gratis :

Latest Version



free download Mozilla Firefox

The award-winning Web browser is better than ever. Browse the Web with confidence. Firefox protects you from viruses, spyware and pop-ups.

Enjoy improvements to performance, ease of use and privacy. It's easy to import your favorites and settings and get started.

The latest version delivers easier navigation for everyone, including those who are visually or motor-impaired. Firefox is the first browser to support DHTML accessibility, which, when enabled by Web authors, allows rich Web applications to be read aloud. Users may navigate with keystrokes rather than mouse clicks, reducing the tabbing required to navigate documents such as spreadsheets. Firefox is also the first browser to meet US federal government requirements that software be easily accessible to users with physical impairments.



Operamini Modif

Operamini Modif

Opera mini adalah sebuah aplikasi untuk melakukan browsing di handphone seperti halnya kita melakukan browsing di PC, bedanya ketika kita browsing menggunakan HP kita bisa melakukannya dimana saja asalkan terhubung dengan jaringan GPRS


Theme Nokia s60 3rd

Theme Nokia s60 3rd E61

Get free Theme for Nokia E61 s60 3rd full. Silahkan download thema gratis untuk nokia E61 symbian , ada beberapa thema yang sudah saya pilih dan saya coba di Handphone saya dan berjalan dengan baik terutama theme Gun By nome.

berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh gambar thema yang akan anda download nantinya

Selengkapnya... is an open-source, multiplatform and multilingual office suite comparable with MS Office.

It is compatible with all other major office suites and is free to download, use, and distribute. It was previously known as StarOffice before it became an open-source project. OpenOffice comes with OpenWriter - a word processor, OpenCalc - a spreadsheet and OpenImpress - a presentational package.

  • The first office suite to use the new OASIS OpenDocument format, the future-proof international standard for office software
  • Easy to install, with a whole new look and feel, matched to the type of computer in use
  • More intuitive, more easy to use than ever, with a host of new usability features
  • Complete with Base: an easy-to-use database manager with a fully integrated database
  • Compatible with other software packages - now understands even obscure and rarely used features in major competitors.

You may download Version 2 completely free of any licence fees, use it for any purpose - private, educational, government and public administration, commercial - and pass on copies free of charge to family, friends, students, employees, etc.

The version offered for download here is the Windows version. Versions for other platforms are available from



X-Plore ( FileMan )

X-Plore ( FileMan )

X-Plore sama kegunaannya seperti SeleQ ataupun File manager / FileMan. Tetapi kebanyakan selama ini SeleQ maupun FileMan hanya bisa di gunakan di Handphone Symbian s60 v1 dan v2, susah sekali mencari file manager untuk handphone Symbian 60 3 rd walaupun ada tetapi tidak bisa di jalankan dengan baik.

Setelah saya bertapa di gunung, mendaki lautan, terbang di danau, berenang ke udara akhirnya dengan perasaan senang dan damai saya dapatkan aplikasi file manager yang bernama X-Plore plus dengan keygen nya. Kegunaan X-Plore antara lain kita bisa melihat system pada HP kita dan Memory card sama seperti halnya kita membuka melalui Komputer. Bisa saling berkirim file yang tidak bisa dikirim langsung dari handphone dengan menggunakan Bluetooth.

Download X-Plore full /crack version untuk symbian s60 3rd :




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mp3 player Untuk HP ( LCGJukebox )


Lonely.Cat.Games.LCGJukebox.v1.02.S60.SymbianOS.Cr acked-BiNPDA
Music player (mp3, ogg + other formats). Excellent sound quality, playlist, equalizer. Can search album image and lyrics on Internet.

- LCG Jukebox is music player for mobile devices, that is designed to suit all your music listening desires.
- It has excellent sound quality, comfortable playlist management, easy music selection, equalizer and more.
- Additionally it can find album image and song lyrics on the Internet, to enhance your listening experience.
- Simply everything to perfectly enjoy your music collection!

Main features:

* High quality stereo playback (if device supports stereo)
* Mp3 and Ogg music formats
* Fine volume control - 100 levels from silence to loudness
* Sleep timer letting you to fall asleep with your music
* 10-band equalizer with several presets
* Playlist editor - add, remove, save, load, order your songs
* Customizable colors
* Album image search on Internet
* Lyrics search and display
* Playback in normal or random order
* Mini mode displayed on phone idle screen

LCG Jukebox was designed to fulfill all needs of music fan using a mobile device. That means mainly excellent music quality with clear information of current playback, convenient playlist management and easy selection of desired music album.

Additionally it offers something more than that - it can search Internet for information related to your songs and albums - CD Album image, which can be associated with particular album and displayed every time a song of the album is played, as well as searching Internet for lyrics of played song and display them during playback.

Supported devices:

S60: Nokia 3230, 3620, 3650, 3660, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, N-gage, N70, N90 Siemens SX1, Panasonic X700, X800
note: install 1.01.register with any code.install 1.02! voila!

Note :
* Install Lonely.Cat.Games.LCGJukebox.v1.01.S60.SymbianOS.Cr acked-BiNPDA
* Register with any key
* Install LCGJukebox_1.10_S60_lcg.sis & Run it
* Delete mfesettings.r12 [C:\System\Data]
* Rename to mfesettings.r12 [C:\System\Data]

- Or/Atau

* Delete nssdevclk.xdl
* Rename satserver.bin to nssdevclk.xdl


Template by : kendhin